We are excited to welcome new Harvard Research Fellow, Matteo Vissani, to the Brain Modulation Lab! Matteo's goals involve improving current DBS systems through neuroengineering and computational methods. In the Brain Modulation Lab, he is studying the involvement of STN and cortex in different aspects of speech production.
After completing his PhD in Biorobotics at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (2021), Matteo received the Italian Bioengineering Society’s Massimo Grattarola Award for best 2021 PhD thesis in Neural Engineering & Nanotechnology. In his PhD work with Alberto Mazzoni, Matteo focused on developing quantitative tools to elucidate how different basal ganglia nuclei are functionally organized and to characterize the relationship between neural activity and stimulation in situ vs. the clinical/behavioral state of the patient.
Read more about Matteo's work here: https://matteovissani.github.io/